Sylvia Young Theatre School visit a massive success!

Last Week we visited Sylvia Young Theatre school to speak to students about what ELAM has to offer. One student had this to say about the experience:

"'Last Thursday ELAM college came to speak to some interested students about what they have to offer. Their courses are Film & Media, Music and Games Design. The head and a former student who now works at ELAM came to speak about their courses and their past/present student successes which were incredible! The reason why ELAM is my first choice is due to how connected with the industry they are. It’s unbelievable to see how many big companies/record labels and artists support the college. Something else I loved was the work experience. If you’re on the music course for example, ELAM sends you to a company such as Warner Music, Universal, Sony etc to learn from and even be noticed by the best! Something I know all parents will be happy to hear is that it is compulsory to take maths or English A LEVEL, which I admit I’m sure will come in handy!'

A huge thank you to Sylvia Young, we thoroughly enjoyed being in your wonderful building, surrounded by such amazing students!