10 things we can do to promote gender equality in lessons

In order to #BreakTheBias, we must be the change we want to see.

It is important that we endeavour to promote gender equality in the classroom; Young people spend so much of their time in lessons, so where better to fight for change? Raising awareness and educating our trainees to treat one another equally and with respect is something we are committed to. The EDI panel meet weekly to ensure our young peoples voices are heard and represented. Here we have put together 10 tips to promoting gender equality in the classroom.

  1. Use gender-neutral pronouns to avoid excluding people for example say ‘everyone’ instead of using the term ‘guys’.

  2. When talking about professions typically associated with a particular gender, make sure to challenge these perceptions and where they come from.

  3. Teaching staff, check and ensure that your resources and materials are free from gender stereotypes, and if they do arise, challenge bias at every opportunity.

  4. Challenge any stereotypes like ‘boys will be boys’ or ‘girls are catty’ which limits understanding of gender as something binary.

  5. Address unhelpful comments like ‘you play like a girl’ or ‘man up,’ challenge and point out the implications of these statements and how they may make people feel.

  6. Avoid using boys and girls as a binary to separate them into lines or activities

  7. When using any materials, make sure they show genders in equal measure and don’t over represent some in favour over others.

  8. Mix up seating in the classroom and allow them to better understand one and other through open discussion.

  9. Support young people in identifying when gender bias is occurring using awareness activities looking at historical events, laws and cultural changes.

  10. Explore ideas of gender from different communities and cultures; avoid looking at gender purely through one lens.