Class of 2019 Show : Interview with Trainee Chris-el

The Class of 2019 Show is on the 16th and 17th of May

Welcome Chris-el, thank you so much for talking to me today. . We have got the Class of 2019 end of year show coming up in a couple of weeks. What are you going to performing?


I’ll be performing an original called Stinging Nettle.  It’s kind of about my journey at ELAM and how I’ve grown a lot from when I started when I was quite nervous and all I would write about was love because it was easier for me!  Now I’m kind of exploring different things and yeah that’s just what it’s about.

And how do you feel about ELAM coming to an end with just a couple of weeks left?

It’s bittersweet man! I’m definitely going to miss everyone, I’m going to miss you, my favourite teacher! At the same time I feel like I’m ready. And I’ve been ready for a while to just (this might bite me later on in the future) but I feel like I’m ready for everything now...

And what are you planning on doing once you leave ELAM?

I’ll be on a Gap year and full time work as much as I can and then just studio time, writing and more meetings with different managers.  Stuff that I’ve been doing at ELAM but stuff that I'll have more time to do now in full.

You’ve  got some exciting stuff coming up, you’ve got a Sofar session next week?

Yeah I’m so excited!

And what are you going to be singing there?

I’ve got a 25 minute set... Oh my god and I’m getting paid for it! I’m singing Stinging Nettle (with my band not just acoustic)  and then a song called Lemon Haze and coconut water, love lessons which is a bit french and just songs like that...

And do you have a pre-show ritual?

Most of the time because I’ve been at ELAM with my friends it’s just being with them at the moment.  My friend Lily told me that at their old singing group they used to look in the mirror and say something like “I am magnificent” three times! So I’ve been doing that a lot but there’s no mirror in the green room so I’ve just been doing it into Jaz’s saxophone (laughing) and say “I am magnificent” and that works yeah!!

Would you say you are a diva?


I’m wearing sunglasses inside! I’m definitely a diva. (laughs)

What do you think would be your ultimate career goal when it comes to music?

I wanna tour the world! But I mean like stadium tour, that would be mad! I went to see Taylor Swift, I’m not the biggest fan but she did a stadium tour and it was crazy, there were big fireworks and dancers and everything  and she had an acoustic section as I was just like “wow”. I’d love that.

And who would you aspire to be like the most in that type of career?

Harry Styles! (Laughs)  Obviously I love Harry Styles and with his shows, obviously I don’t make rock music, but with his shows he has has rock and then he has a little section of the show where he comes out on stage and it’s just him and his guitar for like half an hour and then he goes back and, obviously I do a different genre, I would want to be doing my harcore stuff, my hardcore R&B stuff and then I’d want to come away and do my acoustic sad lovely dovey R&B stuff too.

What has been your ELAM highlight over the two years?

It wouldn’t be my own performance.  Obviously I love my own performances but seeing my friends on stage is my favourite.  You know Cameron Skelton? He did Purple Rain in Shoreditch. His solo! I think everyone in the room said this was one of the maddest moments of ELAM because everyone was like what! It was just silent and then we were all screaming at the end, it was just crazy! It was my favourite, definitely my favourite.

If you could collaborate with anyone in ELAM who would it be?

Izzy Cofie.  Izzy Cofie…...Isaac Cofie.  I would love to be on a garage track!

And out of ELAM?

Have you heard of Lianne La HAvas?  Her. 100%. I would die, I would pass out! I’m like her biggest fan.

Catch Chris-el performing at Class of 2019 this Thursday 16th May