Work Experience

It’s that time of the year again when our year 12 Trainees have the truly unique opportunity to apply for a two week work experience placement with some of the biggest names in the music industry. As part of our Professional Development Programme this year we are excited to offer our Trainees a range of different roles, from working as a Radio Plugger at Listen Up to Marketing Assistant at Polydor. The Trainees have to apply for the placements via our Web-portal, sending a strong cover letter and CV to be selected for their chosen role.

As part of our Masterclass series we also had Entrepreneur Liam Tootill, Director of SB.TV and Supa Academy, come in to deliver a talk on how to make the most out of your work experience placement. In the Masterclass he offered advice on the preparation for work experience as well as taking part in a Q&A session with our Trainees.