The XLP Van is visiting ELAM

XLP are visiting the ELAM site on 23rd February @ 4pm - 6pm. The van acts as a mobile recording studio, which all trainees are welcome to use for extra space and studio time outside of ELAM hours! They will be located on site (in the Car Park) every Wednesday for the next six weeks.

XLP are a youth organisation creating positive futures for young people growing up on inner-city estates in London. They work with young people struggling daily with issues such as family breakdown, unemployment and educational failure, and living in areas that experience high levels of anti-social behaviour and gang violence.

To learn more about XLP and what they do check out their website.

Book Club!

Book Club will start after the February half term

 As part of our ongoing commitment to explore a wide range of voices and stories, we will be starting an ELAM book club!  The first book is The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett, a story that spans from the 1950s to the 1990s and from the Deep South to California. The stunning novel follows the journeys of two estranged twin sisters leading very different lives – to the extent of adopting different racial identities.  Flyer attached and all welcome.  The book club will take place in room 218 on Thursdays at 1:30 starting on Thursday 24th February.   Copies can be purchased here or speak to the English department today before you go on half term about borrowing a copy.  Email with any questions and hope to see some of you there! 

Prettybird - Masterclass 141 - Lessons learned

A few reflections from the Prettybird masterclass today.

  • Keep challenging yourself, this is how you will progress.

  • Work with people you can learn from.

  • Do your own thing and find your style.

  • Keep an open mind.

  • Get honest feedback from your audiences about your project. Sometimes you are too close to it to see the bigger picture.

Check out some of Jess Kohl’s amazing content below

Ashley Walters - Masterclass 140 - Words of Wisdom

On Thursday the 26th of September, Ashley Walters delivered our 140th ELAM Masterclass. Here are some of the words of wisdom that Ashley shared with us

  1. Always have a willing and strong support network around you.

  2. You have to be in the game to win it.

  3. Focus on making your craft the best it can be. Then, when the time comes you will be ready.

  4. First impressions count.

  5. Focus on you and what will make you better at what you do. You should always have something more to strive for.

  6. Know Yourself.

  7. Be prepared for failure. Don't let 'no' determine you.

  8. Try your best to limit your social media. Don't judge yourself too harshly.

  9. Follow your dreams and your goals. Create incremental steps to get there.

Xylo Aria - Masterclass 139 - Top tips for success

Xylo Aria came into to give our 139th ELAM Masterclass last week. Here are some of her top tips for success


1. Be a good person and treat people with respect

2. Be professional

3. Step out of your comfort zone

4. Take responsibility by being proactive

5. Don't take things personally

6. Find your routine to stay mentally healthy

7. Have fun and remember why you got into this in the first place

Oscar Hudson - Masterclass 138 - Lessons Learned

Young Director Oscar Hudson came in to deliver our 138th Masterclass on Thursday the 12th of September. Here is a summary of a few takeaways from Oscar’s Masterclass

Music Video Directed by Oscar Hudson

1. Experimentation is key to finding your unique style.

2. Try to do something that hasn't been done before. Be inventive.

3. Create and maintain a bank of ideas that you can draw upon.

4. Create a strong network. Maintaining relationships is important.

Directed by Oscar Hudson

Directed by Oscar Hudson