Radu Birca - Leeds College of Music
Studying for a BA in Music Production

Ama Lou - Recording Artist

Hayley Harrison - Goldsmiths University
Studying for an MA in Psychology

Ben Frith - Music Manager
Works at Odd Child Music and BBC 1xtra. See here.

Jess Oghenegweke - BBC Radio 1
Works as a radio producer at Radio 1 and 1xtra. See here.

Bella Locke - Newcastle University
Studying BA in Music.

Milly Toomey (Girli) - Recording Artists
Signed to PMR records and has released number of singles

Solomon Newman-Whyte - BIMM
Studying for a BA in Audio Engineering

Jordan Linsell Smith - Academy of Contemporary Music
Studying for a BA in Music Production

Wesley Muthee - BIMM
Studying for BA in Creative Music

John Parry - Apprenticeship
Completeing an apprenticeship with Arch Apprenticeships while pursuing a career as a recording artist.

Louisa McClure - Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
Stuying for a BA in Music

Ozzie Cetin - University of East London
Studying for a BA in Music Performance and Production

Lara Gibson - Apprenticeship
Completing a marketing apprenticeship with RPM.

Tsote Valashiya - Internship
Compelting a youth work based internship.

Oladapo Adanijo - BIMM
Studying for a BA in Music Business.