Oversubscription Criteria

In the event of the courses at ELAM being over-subscribed by Applicants of equal ability and potential, we will take the following factors into account when allocating final places:

  • Applicants with an eligible Education, Health and Care Plan that ELAM has assessed to ensure our ability to meet their needs

  • Applicants who are or were in public care (Looked After Children as defined by section 22 (1) of the Children’s Act 1989)

  • Applicants who are considered Children in Need (as defined by section 17 of the Children’s Act 1989)

  • ELAM will prioritise trainees who have achieved level 4 or above in both GCSE Maths and English

  • Applicants who are in receipt of Free School Meals

  • Applicants that are joining directly from school Year 11 and are 16 years old on 1st September of the academic year in which they are applying to join.

All other students that meet the entry requirements:

  • The assessment centre scores will be taken into account and, in the case of music, they will be prioritised on their musical area as there is a requirement that we have a balanced number of instrumentalists in order to make the course viable. The proposed instrumental breakdown for 2024 is 10% Drums, 10% Guitar/Bass, 10% Keys, 4% Instrumentalists (other),  Artists (Rappers and Vocalists) 33% and 33% Producers. 

  • Where we are unable to draw a distinction based on assessment centre scores applicants who are, or who have previously been, looked after by a local authority and applicants who are identified as having a disability or learning difficulty by their previous education institution.

  • Where we are still unable to draw a distinction, ELAM will prioritise applicants based on the  distance of their permanent home address from ELAM.  Distance will be measured by a straight line on a map from the front door of the Applicant’s home address to the front door of ELAM using an electronic mapping system for example Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

If the application of the oversubscription criteria results in a tie, places will be allocated randomly and this process overseen by someone independent of ELAM.